San Fu Days 2024

The photos below show some ways Traditional Chinese Medicine used points on the body to bring in heat from various sources. Herbs have qualities and chemical properties that when applied to body induce heat. The sun warms the body, needles with mugwort and various herb balls can be lit and bring heat into the needle on various points. Glass cups create a vacuum when heat is applied by fire inside of the cup then placed onto the body. The tissue is sucked into the cup, pulling blood and fluids to that point to encourage movement of Qi and Blood as needed. Qigong poses generate heat internally while using the breath to move it throughout the organs, tissues, blood in the body.

The San Fu Days each year follow the Summer Solstice. The longest daylit day of the year, with the highest altitude of the sun on that day. In TCM, we use the highest peak, the longest warmth to treat winter diseases. Storing Yang for months ahead to reduce lung ailments like asthma, weak qi coughing, and phlegm generating by a cold damp body.

The Fu Days, Dog Days of Summer are 10 days apart for a succession of 3 or 4 treatments that fall on particular days during this time. For 2024 the Days are July 15 (16, or 17th), July 25 (26 or 27th), Aug 4 (5 or 6th) and Aug 14 (15 or 16th). On these days we can apply the traditional herbs that bring intense heat and blister using only the herbs on the points. We can also use medicinal herbs without the blistering as a treatment as well. Herbs like ginger are normally warm and used as effectively when drinking as tea. Except the herbs placed on specific points act as medicine for those internal organs when placed on the Bladder points, the Foot TaiYang points of the body which is paired with the Kidney the Foot ShaoYin Channel of body. Balancing Yin and Yang. Treating disease is about balancing, restoring the bodies natural balance brings greater resilience and immunity to heal.

On these dates this year Tuesday July 16, July 23, Aug 6 and Aug 13 I will be offering San Fu treatments alone or with your acupuncture appointment.

Even if you do not have any ailments, the treatments will boost immunity to drive away colds and flus during the winter months.

For more information on fellow medicine practitioners pages:

New Clinic Opens in Bisbee

Hello everyone, that last post was a year ago when I accepted the job as Licensed Acupuncturist at the VA Hospital in Detroit. I loved my patients and quickly had 200 patients within months. I started walk in group sessions twice a week which was a great relief to having to wait months for an appointment as some of the veterans could have acupuncture twice weekly without having to wait. The oldest patient was 98 and the youngest 22 all from various forms of military. Seasoned vets with agent orange poisoning, neuropathies, lung ailments from burn piles, leukemia, cancer, pregnancy, and alot of mental anguish. Unfortunately, all it takes is a bad administrator to change a good thing into a lost opportunity. I resigned from the VA and have returned to the NPS at Chiricahua National Monument as their PSAR Park Ranger. Emergency Trauma and Wilderness Medicine are some of the skills I have.

Coming back to Arizona has opened up the opportunity to open a clinic again in Bisbee. It has been challenging acquiring a healthy space, but it is now ready to be opened to offer appointments. Welcome Back to previous patients and Welcome to the New!

The clinic address is 48 Main Street, Bisbee, Az. Office #8. By Appointment Only on Tuesdays 12-7 and on Wednesday mornings. Times may shift to accommodate the new beginnings and to figure out the needs of the community.

You can make your appointments online here on this website. Be patient for a reply as for a few days of the week I am working remotely with no contact including phone or web.

Tinctures and Topicals are also for sale in the clinic. I currently have Hawthorn, Burdock Root, Gingko, Gingko + Red Panax Ginseng, Red Panax Ginseng, Pagoda Flower, Pleurisy Root, Reishi, Ashwaganda. Topicals include Castor oil and pagoda leaf, Wu Jiu (Iron Fist Liniment) and Evil Bone Water 2 oz Spray Bottle.

Please contact me with any and all of your questions and how I can be of service.

Really looking forward to seeing you all again.

Best Healing Wishes, Candace

Archive Mailchimp

You may access the previous newsletters for Medicine tips, Yoga and Qigong information. When this site becomes active after licensing, I will add medicine specific content, but for now these newsletters have a great wealth of information for you. Enjoy!

Email Candace to be added to the Mailchimp Newsletter

The Benefits of Fire Cupping for Colds, Aches & Pains

The ancient practice of using fire cupping in TCM, for health has many benefits. Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue.

 One of the earliest documentations of cupping can be found in the work titled A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies, which was written by a Taoist herbalist by the name of Ge Hong and which dates all the way back to 300 AD. An even earlier Chinese documentation, three thousand years old, recommended cupping for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

How does it work: the technique uses small glass cups or bamboo jars as suction devices that are placed on the ski to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion by drawing congested blood, energy or other humors to the surface. In dry cupping, the therapist will simply place the suction cups on the skin. In wet cupping, the practitioner will make a small incision on the skin and then apply the suction cup to draw out small amounts of blood.

In Glide Cupping, Once the suction has occurred, the cups can be gently moved across the skin.  Healing oils are applied to improve movement of the glass cups along the skin using gentle pressure to pull tissue upward, as opposed to traditional massage that presses tissue downward.

The concept is that where there is stagnation there is pain, where there is flow there is harmony and balance. Blockage of Qi, or vital energy, vital fluids, lymph, phlegm, and blood results in pain. For colds, stuck phlegm in the lungs can be moved with fire cupping, and the achiness of colds and flu symptoms are also relieved by moving vital fluids.

Cupping for Colds and Flu relieves congestion in the body and stimulates movement of energy to restore and heal. Cupping deep tissue massage improves blood flow and helps to detoxify the area cupped and the connected regions.